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social responsibility strategy employee care win-win cooperation green development public welfare undertakings liby volunteer responsibility report
green liby
01green and sustainable development

liby has been continuously championing green growth and improving our green management system, practices, and performance. we are the first in the industry to adopt a "green and healthy" development strategy. with an efficient and standardized green management system in place, we are transitioning smoothly to the "green manufacturing" model and making our own contribution to the nationwide effort to build a beautiful china.

02green production

to achieve our environmental sustainability agenda, we go full out on the optimization of our green production process to reach maximum energy efficiency and reduce emissions. we are committed to harnessing the power of technology to drive our green production targets.

energy consumption reduction

we invest heavily in initiatives designed to improve energy efficiency and reduce environmental impact. we take real actions to reduce the use of electricity and thermal energy and ensure effective resource utilization. by the end of 2019, the group's aggregate energy consumption in production process was far below national and industry average.

frequency alteration of equipment

we have reduced overall power consumption by more than 10% by promoting the use of energy-saving equipment, installing frequency converters on high-power devices, and improving milling equipment.

recycling waste heat

we have stepped up the recycling of waste heat in hydrolysis, sulfonation, hot air generation and other production processes, significantly reduced the amount of steam generated, and effectively controlled the loss of thermal energy. by doing so, we save energy equivalent to 3,000 tons of standard coal annually.

03emissions reduction

in accordance with national environmental protection policies and technical requirements, we have effectively reduced negative environment impact of our operations by adopting scientific design, using state-of-the-art equipment, and continuously optimizing and upgrading water, air, solid waste, and noise pollution control systems.

(1)wastewater discharge reduction

we make a conscious effort to use advanced equipment and technology to strictly control waste water discharge, step up wastewater recycling.

liby’s exhaust gas treatment system

24-hour water pollution monitoring system

(2)reduce solid waste

we make a conscious effort to reduce solid waste and improve solid waste treatment technologies. these improved technologies are applied in our day-to-day operations. the solid waste reduction and environmentally sound technology helped realize upgrading and lead to over 30% solid waste reduction, delivering good environmental and economic benefits.

(3)reduce the emissions of air pollutants

atmospheric pollutants can be divided into two categories according to their forms: particulate pollutants and gaseous pollutants. we adopt a differentiated approach to the treatment of atmospheric pollutants with an eye to achieving improved resource efficiency and greener production.

(4)efficient recycling of particulate matter in gas emissions:

we have developed special equipment to effectively recycle particulate matter in gas emissions. by doing so, we have significantly reduced wastes. we have also bought state-of-the-art production equipment to reduce the emissions of particulate matter during the production process by 60% -70%.

liby’s waste gas treatment system

(5)strict control of atmospheric pollutants:

the exhaust gas of factories of household chemical products contains sulfur and nitrogen oxides. in order to reduce the impact of sulfide emissions on the atmospheric environment, we use an improved static pressure spraying technology to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions and a low-temperature combustion technology to control the generation of pollutants at the source and reduce nitrogen oxide emissions.

feature: full-out water resource protection
【sdgs】goal 14: life below water

water resource protection is the most pressing environmental challenge in the household chemicals industry. liby attaches great importance to the protection of water resources. we invest heavily in wastewater treatment and recycling, prevention of water pollution and waste, and improvement of water use efficiency.
