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liby non-heat washing powder was selected into innovative consumer goods of guide for upgrade and innovation of consumer goods
2018-08-13 12:16:52

iby non-heat washing powder was successfully selected into innovative consumer goods of guide for upgrade and innovation of consumer goods (the 4th batch of light industry). it was the first that cleaning products were listed in the guide.




it is reported that, in order to actively guide consumption, better satisfy and create consumer demands and elevate chinese consumer goods industries to medium and high ends, 37 products were selected into guide for upgrade and innovation of consumer goods (the 4th batch of light industry), including 20 upgraded consumer goods and 17 innovative consumer goods from household appliances, wine, daily necessities and other industries closed related to consumer’s life.

all upgraded consumer goods officially released in the 4th batch of light industry were high-end consumer goods which feature advanced technology, or excellent performance, or quality stability and reliability or which can lead consumption trends. while innovative consumer goods were innovative consumption products with unique function or use value. the release of guide for upgrade and innovation of consumer goods constantly satisfied the need for high-end consumer goods and improved the supply level of light industrial products through innovation.


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